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hannah barnes


Welcome baby Enys!

Hello Hannah, 

We just wanted to let you know that our baby boy Enys Sidney was born on Tuesday morning weighing 9lbs exactly.

He was delivered via c-section, and even though I had planned for a vaginal water birth, I wanted you know that all of your techniques helped to keep it magical and I’m really happy with the birth experience I had. I felt calm throughout, and able to advocate for myself when I felt that an induction was not the best approach for us or our baby. The hypobirthing has also come in useful in the days after with breastfeeding and lack of sleep by just helping me to relax generally. 

We honestly cannot thank you enough! 

Best wishes,

Katie, Ross and Enys xx



Poppy & James' third Calm Births baby!

Poppy & James had their first Calm Births baby back in 2017 , which you can read about here. They had their second Calm Birth in 2020 and now have had their THIRD Calm Births baby! I am so honoured that they chose to use us each time & had such positive experiences x

“Oh Hannah! So so delighted to be able to share with you the arrival of 💛 Wilbur Stanley 💛 A whole 9lb of perfection, born safely, calmly and beautifully in the pool on Tuesday afternoon without pain relief. Laboured peacefully at home during the night, James went on the school run and we were able to arrive at the hospital 6cm dilated and ready for the pool. Finally, at our third and final attempt, I feel so fortunate to have been gifted this water birth experience and following two wonderful hours in there Wilbur was welcomed into the world. I have always envisaged my "yellow water birth" alongside the Affirmations so it seemed fitting to have this perfect hat at the ready 💛 We are home and settling in to life as a family of five. Thank you for everything, three beautiful Calm Births we will always be truly and wholly grateful for xx”



A positive C-Section story

Hi Hannah, how are you? I hope you had a good summer? Piers and I had a baby boy last month – the 4th August! I was in hospital for 5 nights to be induced, but ended up having a c section. It was the complete opposite to what I wanted but I don’t feel it was a negative experience.

We had a growth scan at the end of July which showed there was little growth in 2 weeks and the dopplers had dropped out of normal range. Charlie was still fine at this point but our consultant and midwife both advised bringing the pregnancy to an end as there was now greater risk of Charlie becoming in danger and we wouldn’t necessary have enough time to act on it before anything fatal would happen.

So at 38 weeks I decided to try to be induced as I could still have a vaginal birth. I had the balloon, 1 application of the hormone gel (then Charlie decided to move position…thankfully Charlie moved back into position!) and then had my waters broken.

I got into early labour and it was all very positive – I was enjoying the experience. Within a few hours Charlie was showing signs of distress – movement reduced and heart rate dropped. The doctor advised to stop and have a c section before it becomes an emergency. At this point I was only 3 cms dilated and the doctor said that Charlie wasn’t going to cope if we continued as he was already showing signs that he wasn’t.

I’m glad I decided to have a c section at this point as it was still a calm environment and we were given the time and space to make the decision. We listened to our affirmations during surgery and it was a lovely moment when the surgeon lifted Charlie up to us and no one said anything – we could just have a quiet and emotional moment.

This was nearly 5 weeks ago now and I’m recovering well. Charlie is very calm and contented so far. I do feel very lucky!

Holly x
