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best hypnobirthing course


Hypnobirthing for elective C-Section.

Calm Births hypnobirthing

We are so excited to announce the arrival of our new course - Hypnobirthing for elective C-Section.

We know that the use of hypnobirthing techniques during pregnancy has huge benefits for both the parent and the baby - there’s a really interesting TED talk about relaxation during pregnancy here which explains how if we are able to relax, it actually wires the baby’s brain to have lower stress receptors - it’s fascinating!

So we know the benefits are huge during pregnancy for both parent and baby , but what about the birth itself if you’re having surgery?

Did you know that the use of self-hypnosis during surgery is proven to:

  • Reduce anxiety

  • Reduce blood pressure

  • Lower heart rate

  • Increase haemodynamic stability (less blood loss)

  • Lower perceived level of pain

  • Lower the risk of complications during surgery

Anecdotally, it is also believed that recovery time after surgery is also quicker.

The techniques that we teach are to prepare you to feel calm and in control in ANY situation - yes for birth, but also for major events such as surgery, a visit to the dentist, flying, PARENTING a newborn! Entering a hospital and being in theatre can feel very anxiety inducing, and so these techniques are designed to leave you both feeling fully prepared, calm and in control for a really positive, wonderful experience.

Something else we feel is very important to be included in this course is the techniques for early labour, as although a C-section is booked we do know that some parents can go into labour ahead of this. This can be a source of anxiety if you don’t know what to expect or how to cope with those early surges. So on the course we run through exactly what is happening to the body, and what you can do to remain feeling calm and in control until you are taken to theatre.

We run through exactly what it will look like on the day you have your baby, so that you are fully prepared and know what to expect. We then teach you how to use those relaxation techniques during this time to make it go more smoothly and for you to feel more calm and positive.

Early feedback from clients has been wonderful - they have been left feeling ready and excited:

I’m excited! I am nervous of corse, but I also am confident that my partner and I will be able to follow through with all the techniques we have learnt, and it is going to be a wonderful experience! I am looking forward to having a happy positive birth!

So please be assured that hypnobirthing is for ANY kind of birth, including yours. So all Calm Births teachers are now able to teach this 4 session course - to find your local teacher simply click here x


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Become a Hypnobirthing Teacher!

Are you a Midwife, former Midwife or experienced Doula? Or perhaps you are simply passionate about normal birth and empowering women? Are you looking for a way to make a living from teaching families how to achieve positive, calm births and see them get amazing results? 

Then join our team!!! 

I am so excited to share my Calm Births Course with new instructors, I have been teaching Hypnobirthing full time since leaving my role as a Midwife in the NHS in 2014. I have taught hundreds of families and have been utterly overwhelmed by the consistent positive births that are being achieved by them.  The Calm Births Course is a combination of essential practical tips and techniques for positive birth and Hypnotherapy techniques - think NCT meets Hypnobirthing and you'll have an idea.

If you would like to share this message and teach this practical, no nonsense course to families in your area and make a GOOD living from doing so then I will provide you with:

*Face to face training*

*Course Materials*

*Help & guidance in setting up and running your own business*

*Support designing & setting up your own website*

*A family of like-minded teachers like you*

*Regular meet-ups to help & support each other *

The great news is that you can earn £3k + per month teaching something that you love. YOU decide when you teach. YOU decide where you teach. YOU decide how you teach. YOU are your own boss, with the Calm Births family here to support you. 

Your course will include: 

An introduction to Hypnotherapy

Hypnobirthing origins and how it works

The Calm Births Course content

How to teach Hypnobirthing

An introduction on how to set up and market your business

You will leave your course with everything you need to feel like a Mum boss who can run her own Hypnobirthing business and be part of something amazing, changing the lives of families all around you. 

The investment for your training course is:

Midwives / Doulas / NCT Teachers : 3 day course from 9.30am to 1.30pm, £899

Existing Hypnobirthing Teachers: 1 day course from 9.30am to 1.30pm, £499

If you are new to birth education, an extra online course will be required before the full 3 day training - the cost in total will be £1350.

If you would like to find out more or bagsy yourself a place on a teacher training course have a look here for more info, or please email:

I can't WAIT to work with you! 


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Online HypnoBirthing Classes

A common problem that I hear when people are wanting to take the HypnoBirthing Course is that the logistics don't work for them. This can be due to babysitting issues, people often commute and work long hours or have other commitments on the days of the group courses. Sometimes people just feel more comfortable learning online in their own time. So, I have a solution!

For just £49 you can access an online version of the Calm Births course, learn at your own pace with lifetime access!

It’s as simple as clicking here and getting going straight away!
