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hypnobirthing from home


Hypnobirthing techniques and Coronavirus

Well. What can we say. These are strange and scary times for everyone as we are faced with a health pandemic unlike anything most of us have witnessed in our lifetimes. Add to that the fact that pregnant women are placed in the vulnerable category and anxiety levels are high.

Firstly it’s important to say that the reason pregnant women are placed in the vulnerable category is not because the evidence suggests that they are more likely to get the disease, but simply because we don’t yet know and so it’s better to be safe than sorry.

At a time like this it’s really important to focus on the things we can do, rather than fret about those things that we don’t know or that we can’t control. We need to just take things day by day. And there are things we can do to lower our stress levels.

Please never underestimate the power of the breath. Slowing the breath and breathing fully into the abdomen really does have a huge impact on our systems.

When we feel stressed our breath becomes more shallow, when we breath this way a message is sent to the brain to inform it of a perceived danger or threat. The sympathetic nervous system wakes up and jumps in to protect you by triggering the fight/flight/freeze mechanism (the SNS cannot differentiate between a real or an imagined threat). Once that f/f/f mechanism has been triggered, our muscles constrict, our oxygenated blood is concentrated to our vital organs and limbs, our heart rate and blood pressure become raised. This in turn makes us feel more hyper vigilant and anxious and so the circle continues as more adrenalin is released.

We can override this system though. One of the simplest ways to do this is with the breath. If we choose to use long, deep, diaphragmatic breaths it will send the message back to the sympathetic nervous system that the danger has passed, and so it will in turn halt the f/f/f mechanism and everything will calm once more.

You can see a tutorial I made on how to use the breathing techniques here. It walks you through how to use two specific techniques which will lower the stress receptors and bring us back to a state of calm.

Calm Births teachers across the UK are also here for you, we can all chat online and even teach the hypnobirthing course completely online. So if you’re pregnant and looking for some techniques to help you feel calm and in control, you can take the full Calm Births hypnobirthing course online with a teacher. Simply find a teacher, get in touch with them and go from there. Alternatively the full course is available online - this is useful if you are nearing your due time and don’t have much time left to take the online classes. We’re all here to help.

We’ll get through this one day at a time, just remember to breathe x



But I have a Toddler - how can I find time to do Hypnobirthing??!

So you have a two year old, you're pregnant with your second, and it's really, REALLY tiring. Remember the first time around when you could just nap when you needed to and maternity leave meant vegging on the sofa eating Haribo, watching daytime TV? Not so much the second time round and it's really bloody hard right? And then there's me telling you that you need to find time to relax? And you think 'really lady?!!'. 

Calm Births Hypnobirthing

Calm Births Hypnobirthing

I know lovely, I've been there too - when I was pregnant with my third baby, I was dealing with a 3 year old and a 2 year old and, quite frankly, it sucked a lot of the time. I was just permanently knackered and they were just permanently crazy. It was relentless. I literally forgot I was pregnant for a lot of the first two trimesters - one memorable occasion a lady at a toddler group asked me when I was due, and I actually asked her 'when's what due?' She must've thought I was batsh*t crazy as five seconds later I remembered I was pregnant and told her when I was due.  BUT. I knew that I had to do something, I knew that I had to make time for this poor little baby who hadn't asked to be the third down in the pecking order. I knew how important it was to create space, time and love just for him or her.

And so this is how I know that it can be done - you just have to be a bit more flexible with it. In my continuing experience a lot of the relaxation techniques are actually massively beneficial for parenting too. When the children are going crazy and you're feeling the stress rise up, you have the tools and techniques to make you feel calm - and by practising this you are giving your baby some chill time and love too. Win-Win!!! 

When pregnant with second (or subsequent) baby you often just need to fall into bed at 8pm, but there's nothing stopping you falling into bed plugged in to your Relaxation audio, and falling asleep to the positive self hypnosis tracks. 

I KNOW it's difficult, but I also know that it is so worth it and you and this little baby will benefit so much from you just squeezing in any relaxation practice that you can each day. You deserve it, and this little one does too. 

There are some really interesting studies around how what we do during pregnancy shapes who are babies become. There's a wonderful TED talk here, where a scientist explains several studies that have been undertaken which have determined that our babies whole brain structure is altered according to our behaviours during pregnancy! For example how we eat determines how their metabolism is formed, if they perceive that they are coming into a world of scarcity because Mummy isn't eating much, then their body will form so that they store calories when they eat to keep them going for longer. Amazing right?

I tell you this not to terrify you, but to remind you of how important it is to care for yourself, and to just take any minutes you can to sit quietly with your bump and relax each day.  Many of the relaxation and breathing techniques we learn in Hypnobirthing can be done whilst sitting with a toddler who's playing. Your toddler will just think you're Supermum being all calm and chilled - and I can pretty much guarantee you'll notice a change in their behaviour too. 

In practical terms, a Hypnobirthing course is 5 sessions - so this means either finding a babysitter for 5 two hour slots, or having the classes privately in your home after your other child or children are in bed. It is achievable, and it is definitely worth it, I promise you! 
